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It is our goal to highlight and spotlight our family heritage for future generations. The focus of this project is our family genealogy. To do this, we'll need everyone to provide family information. Wouldn't it be fun to see where you fit on the family tree? Please complete the online family registry. We are asking everyone to provide as much information as possible, even if it may be duplicated by someone else. The more info provided, the better! Again, please submit information for our family registry. Please include your email address to be added to the email list. Once you have completed the Family Registry form, the website security information will be sent to you. Thanks! We're glad you are a part of us!

Please select the name of the individual for which you and your family should be listed under. Make sure you show your connection to one of Poppa Edgar and Mama Ida's children. If not, please show your connection to the family to be properly listed in our family history.

This is only a template. Please provide as much information as possible to complete our family tree/history project. If you need to add more children/grandchildren, use the area below. Submissions are due as soon as possible. If you have any suggestions, comments, questions or other category ideas, please submit them in the space provided below.

Suggestion: Email a photo with your submittal to be viewed with the Family Registry. This will help associate names with faces! Send to

Name (Include Maiden Name)*

Address: (City, State, Zip)*

Phone: (Include Area Code)*


Date of Birth*

E-Mail Address: (Will be added to Website Directory)


Spouse Name*

Date of Birth*


Select an option

If deceased, please note Date of Death*

Please list all of your children including birth dates: (Ex. Joe Evans 5/22/03)

Please list all of your grandchildren and their birthdates: (Ex. Persia Mae Evans 6/6/06)*

Please list your brothers/sisters and their birthdates

List your brothers/sisters who are deceased, with date(s) of death*

List deceased children/grandchildren, and date(s) of death*

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